A picture is worth a thousand words

The aftermath of a festival on Woolacombe Down, bequeathed to the National Trust by Rosalie Chichester of Arlington Court to ensure its preservation for generations to come.

Dear Editor,

It is difficult to believe that the National Trust’s regenerative practices carried out for several years on the Downs have been furthered in any way as a result of the festival held there just over a week ago: www.springclassic.co.uk. In fact, this event has undone a lot of good work: copious tyre tracks traverse the flower meadow and newly worn bare patches are evident throughout the site.

The needs of ground nesting birds (it is the skylarks’ nesting season) were ignored, along with those of the small herd of semi-feral Exmoor ponies who graze the Downs. The impact on the land is clear and cannot be justified.

We live in a time where we are encouraged to leave no trace, but the National Trust do not appear to follow this philosophy. Sadly, the notion that profit is king dominates their ethos. This is not their purpose; they need to return to their foundations.

Sue Black
Woolacombe, North Devon


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