Patrick Streeter
I believe the British country house is a work of art and it should be conserved, explained, set in context but not interfered with. I am an active conservationist and, as trustee and sometime Chairman of the Spitalfields Historic Buildings Trust, I have participated in various campaigns which successfully saved historic buildings from demolition. I served for 13 years as a Councillor in the City and East End of London and I am a Chartered Accountant. I have been a member of the National Trust for over 20 years.
Q. What Inspires you to seek election?
There are many views on how the Trust should be run and everyone should work together so that all may enjoy this national asset. I am experienced in working with people with different points of view to achieve a common aim.
Q. What skills and knowledge would you bring to the Council to help the Trust be ‘for everyone, for ever’?
I have had to think creatively to rescue historic buildings with little money. I can contribute my experience to discussions on how to bring conservation projects to a successful conclusion with the involvement of the local community.
Q. What should be the Trust’s focus in it’s next 10-year strategy?
Building a reputation as the foremost custodian of historic buildings, works of art, gardens and countryside, and setting high expectations. AGM voting must take place on a visibly even playing field, which means reconsidering the ‘Quick vote’.
Q. Anything else?
I have seen many neglected and damaged buildings brought back to life and become much-loved focal points for communities. The Trust need to re-think its plans for Clandon Park and aim high.